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HMRC aims to collect more data for tax returns

Jul 28, 2022

HMRC plans to collect further data on taxpayersto tackle tax evasion.

Announced in a new public consultation, HMRC aims to collect more data on self-employed workers, partnerships, and taxpayers who earn dividends.

As well as job titles and hours, locations of businesses will be under the spotlight.

In the consultation document, HMRC states:

"The changes in this document will potentially affect all self-employed taxpayers, all employers, employees about whom additional data may be stored and shared, as well as tax agents and tax or payroll software providers for these groups.

"Better data about the whole customer population can help us target operational activity more effectively - for example, compliance and debt collection activity."

Suggested changes to self-assessment tax returns include mandatory company director and close company fields, which already exist on the SA102.

A new field in tax returns would also require the value of dividends received from the close company to a director, while there may be another new field asking for the percentage of the shareholder in the company.

The consultation will be open for comment until 12 October 2022, with any Government plans to legislate for any chances coming in the Finance Bill 2023/24 at the earliest.

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