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HMRC calls for evidence on pension fund clearing exemption

Nov 17, 2023

In response to growing concerns and evolving financial landscapes, HMRC has called for evidence regarding the pension fund clearing exemption.

The move signals a proactive approach by the Government to assess the effectiveness and implications of current policies governing pension fund clearing.

The call for evidence invites stakeholders and industry experts to provide insights into the existing exemption framework, its impact on pension funds and the broader financial sector. HMRC aims to use the data to inform potential adjustments or improvements to the exemption structure.

Pension funds play a crucial role in securing financial stability for individuals in their retirement years. The call for evidence underscores the Government's commitment to ensuring the resilience and efficiency of pension fund operations, aligning their policies with the dynamic nature of the financial market.

Stakeholders, including pension fund managers, financial institutions, and experts in financial regulation are encouraged to participate in the consultation process. The outcome of this call for evidence is expected to shape future policies, promoting a more robust and responsive regulatory environment for pension funds in the UK.

The call for evidence closes at 11:59pm on 5 January 2024.

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